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From Manual to Mastery: How an entrepreneur from the Dominican Republic Transformed His Beachside Business Empire with Loyverse

In this opportunity, we meet Mr. Ariel, who shares with us how, with his experience, curiosity, and planning, he has used the best resources at his disposal and has become a successful entrepreneur in his region.   How long have you been using Loyverse? How did you manage the data of your business before Loyverse? Previously, we did all the business management manually, but due to the flow of the business, we needed to implement a different system. I was interested in a point of s


GabrielaYP in Customer Stories

A Hospitality Resto-Bar rocks the town by offering more than just drinks

Bars might be a tempting idea for hanging out and getting some drinks. However, some owners, like Mr. Min Jin, want to go beyond the status quo and further grow their businesses.   How about a brief self-introduction and an overview of your business?   My name is Min Jin, and I am a civil entrepreneur involved in various businesses, including real estate investment, hotels, and hospitality. Our resto-bar relies heavily on the Loyverse POS system for our operations.


ArturoGarcia in Customer Stories

From Co-Working to Culinary Triumph: The Serendipitous Journey of a Madagascar Restaurant Entrepreneur with Loyverse

Discover the remarkable journey of Harivony and her husband, an entrepreneurial couple from Madagascar who transformed their co-working space into a thriving restaurant sensation. In an exclusive interview, they share their inspiring tale of how a simple realization about catering services led them to embrace the culinary world. From navigating the challenges of a pandemic-hit opening to harnessing the power of Loyverse POS to streamline operations, their story exemplifies resilience, adaptation


Mia in Customer Stories

Using Loyverse as an ally in the growth of a business with the management of reports.

We had an interview with Mr. Sebastian Carranza, owner of La Formula Café and Servicentro Cabañas located in Guatemala, who was looking for ways to facilitate the management of his two businesses and found a great ally in Loyverse.   How long have you been using Loyverse? And what made you choose Loyverse's point of sale and system? I have been using Loyverse for 6 months for two types of business, one is a restaurant and the other is a gas station. I was trying to manage all the


GabrielaYP in Customer Stories

Empowering Retail Success in Kenya: A Loyverse Customer's Journey to Entrepreneurship

Welcome to our inspiring interview with Gedion Yego, a successful entrepreneur hailing from Kenya. Gedion is the proud owner of a General shop that sells both food items and nonfood stuff at retail and wholesale prices. Taking over the family business in 2021, Gedion embarked on a journey of discovery, learning the ropes of entrepreneurship along the way. In November 2022, he discovered Loyverse POS, a game-changing point-of-sale system that revolutionized the way he manages his business. Join u


Mia in Customer Stories

How To Create A Good Take-Out Menu For Your Summer Business - Your Recipe for Success!

Summertime is perfect for small businesses to make the most of the season’s vibrant energy. People who head out to soak up the sun and enjoy outdoor activities also watch out for delightful meals they can savor on the go. As a savvy cafe or restaurant owner, creating an enticing take-out menu can be your secret ingredient to boost sales and provide your customers with a memorable dining experience.  In this blog, we’ll explore valuable tips to help you plan and create a mouthwatering take-o


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

A Young Spanish Restaurant found financial peace thanks to Loyverse POS

In the northwest side of Spain, we have a hardworking chef David from A Coruña, who started his entrepreneurial journey cooking in 5-star hotels. Due to the stress of such labor, he decided to quit everything to find a place and especially the time to cook for love and work enough. Let’s see how such a transition, the restaurant “Casaperucho” came to exist.   What is your business about and how did you start?   My business was a life-changing decision. I used to work as an ex


ArturoGarcia in Customer Stories

Embrace the Great Outdoors: Summer Business Ideas and Opportunities for Small Businesses

The warm and sunny summer days bring many exciting possibilities for small businesses. As the world reawakens and people yearn for outdoor experiences, now is the perfect time for small business owners to explore the potential of outdoor ventures. Whether you’re looking to launch a pop-up shop, participate in outdoor markets or fairs, or expand your outdoor seating, this week’s blog post will provide ideas and tips to make the most of the summer months. Launch a Pop-Up Shop Pop-up


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Summer Networking Events: Elevate Your Small Business through Knowledge and Connections

As the summer sun shines brightly, small business owners have a unique opportunity to expand their knowledge, build personal connections, and take their ventures to new heights. Summer networking events provide the perfect opportunity for entrepreneurs to engage with like-minded professionals, industry experts, and potential customers. In this blog, we will highlight some of the local networking events, conferences, and industry gatherings that small business owners can participate in to en


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Best Ways Small Businesses Can Plan for Mid-Year Business Reviews

Happy July, small business owners! And congratulations, you have made it halfway through the year. As we reach the midpoint of another exciting year,  it is the perfect time for small business owners to conduct a mid-year business review. Mid-year business reviews allow you to assess your progress, analyze financial performance, and adjust your strategies for the remainder of the year.  But before we dive into it, why are business reviews important? It’s simply to establish awareness of how


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere In Your Restaurant: Enhance Customer Experience with a Smart POS

As a small business owner, you are constantly looking for ways to build a loyal customer base, and in today’s competitive restaurant market, just having delicious and Instagram-worthy food isn’t enough. Providing an exceptional customer experience is crucial to attracting and retaining patrons. How do you create a welcoming environment for your customers and stand out in the competition? One effective way to enhance your customers’ dining experience is by incorporating a smart POS system in


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Summer Staff Training: 7 Tips to Prep Your Team for a Busy Season

With the increased customer demand and bustling activity, the summer season is considered one of the busiest seasons for small businesses. During this time, small businesses in various industries gear up to meet these demands. It is essential to invest in staff training to ensure your business operates smoothly and delivers top-quality service during this busy time. Staff training not only enhances their skills but also boosts morale, improves customer satisfaction, and contributes to the o


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Father's Day Specials: Unique Ways to Honor Dads in Your Coffee Shop

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and it’s time to celebrate and honor the remarkable men in our lives. As a small business owner, you can create a memorable experience for fathers and their loved ones in your coffee shop. This Father’s Day, go beyond the traditional gifts and cards and treat dads to something truly unique. In this blog, we'll explore exciting ideas and specials to make your coffee shop the go-to destination for families looking to celebrate Father’s Day on June 18th.


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Going Green with a Smart POS System: Embracing Sustainability through E-Receipts

In celebration of World Environment Day, we reflect on the importance of sustainability in every aspect of our lives. For small business owners, incorporating sustainable practices is an opportunity to contribute to a greener planet and attract environmentally-conscious customers. Fortunately, in today’s digital age, businesses have found innovative ways to reduce paper waste and embrace sustainable practices. As a forward-thinking business owner, investing in a smart Point of Sale (POS) sy


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Top 10 Small Business Marketing Tips for Summer 2023

Welcome to the blazing hot summer of 2023, where the heat is on, and so is the competition! As the temperature rises, small businesses everywhere are gearing up to captivate customers and make their mark this season. If you’re a small business owner, this blog is your go-to guide for sizzling success. Get ready to unlock the secrets of crafting effective marketing campaigns tailored specifically for the summer months. Undoubtedly,  people’s attention spans are shorter than ever in this digi


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Navigating Mental Health in the Workplace: A Small Business Owner's Guide

It is the month of May and it’s Mental Health Awareness month! As a small business owner, you play an important role in creating a nurturing and supportive work environment for your employees. The well-being of your team members directly impacts their productivity, engagement, and work satisfaction which ultimately leads to your overall business growth. By prioritizing mental health in the workplace, you exemplify compassion and empathy for your employees and also foster a culture of inclusivity


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Spring Cleaning for Small Businesses: The Power of a Point of Sale (POS) System

As nature comes back to life, there's a refreshing energy in the air — a perfect time for small businesses to embark on a revitalizing journey: spring cleaning. Spring cleaning presents an excellent opportunity for small businesses to refresh their workspace and enhance productivity. Just as the blossoming flowers signal a new beginning, a thorough spring cleaning can breathe new life into your small business, boosting business efficiency and uplifting employee morale. Spring cleaning goes


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Thank you, Small Businesses!

As we celebrate Small Business Appreciation Month this May, it’s important to take a moment to recognize the significant contributions that small business owners make to our communities and our economy. Small businesses like yours are the bloodline of our society, driving innovation, creating jobs, and encouraging economic growth. Entrepreneurs are risk-takers who pursue their dreams and turn their ideas into reality. You are the ones who bring unique products and services to our local comm


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Best QR Code Menu Ordering Systems for Small Business 2023

In today's increasingly digital age, small businesses are turning to technology to improve their operations and provide a better customer experience. One area where this is particularly evident is in the foodservice industry, where QR code menu ordering systems are becoming increasingly popular. With the COVID-19 pandemic accelerating the shift towards contactless ordering and payment, QR code ordering systems are now more important than ever.  In this article, we'll take a look at the best


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

How QR Code Menu Ordering System Can Transform Your Restaurant’s Experience

It’s time to take your restaurant business to the next level with Loyverse POS integration with Orderlina, the QR code menu ordering system that revolutionizes how your customers place their orders! Imagine your customers entering your restaurant, scanning a QR code with their phone, and browsing your menu easily—no more paper menus or waiting for the waiter to take their order. With Orderlina, your customers can order and pay with just a few taps, leaving them more time to enjoy your delic


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

"Everywhere for Everyone” – MWINGI is striving to become Africa´s largest trading network using Loyverse in retail outlets

Mwingi Kenya Limited is a social enterprise in Kenya that was incorporated in 2019 and is establishing a unique last-mile franchise chain in Kenya. By this, MWINGI empowers local entrepreneurs and increases the availability of affordable quality products for thousands of families in rural areas. Manuela, one of the co-founders, shares how MWINGI started the journey and what are their future plans.  Thank you for taking the time for this interview Manuela. Can you describe your enterpri


Mia in Customer Stories

Coffee Shop Trends You Need To Know In 2023

As the coffee shop industry continues to grow and evolve, both business owners and coffee enthusiasts need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments. In 2023, the coffee shop industry will witness several key trends that will mold how we enjoy and experience coffee. From the latest brewing methods to state-of-the-art technology and rising sustainability initiatives, these trends will significantly impact the industry. This article will explore some of the most important coffe


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Spring Into Action: Get Your Coffee Shop Ready For The Season

As the weather gets warmer and people start to come out of winter hibernation, coffee shops are the perfect place to socialize, relax, and enjoy a delicious cup of coffee. This is why coffee shops are one of the spring season's most popular and profitable businesses. If you’re still in doubt, this article will explore why a coffee shop is the best business this season and how you can prepare your shop for spring. Why is a coffee shop a good business this spring? Firstly, coff


Chooli in Entrepreneurship

Loyverse Point of Sale





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