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Best Accounting Firms

Productive work and the success of any business directly depends on the professionalism and quality of accounting. Observing the deadlines for filing reports, timely and correct payment of taxes, correct charges, timely posting of primary documentation, drawing up declarations are conditions that have a direct impact on the fruitful work of all departments of a company or enterprise. Accounting allows the company to avoid misunderstandings with the authorities and representatives of tax ser


Aldert in Entrepreneurship

How to create a pleasant atmosphere to attract customers to the grocery store

Modern retail is working to create a positive emotional atmosphere in stores. We've collected a few tools to help your grocery shop or supermarket create a sales-boosting atmosphere. The buyer chooses a shopping place where he or she feels comfortable, pleasant, beautiful, convenient, joyful, fun, and also where he or she is appreciated, loved, and expected. All of these are about positive emotions. A good atmosphere will cause immediate sales growth and generally increase customers’ loyalt


Aldert in Entrepreneurship

Best loan platforms for small and medium business

Very often, small and medium businesses need financing. Ether it is the replenishment of working capital when there are cash flow gaps - you have not received payment for bills issued to consumers, but you need to pay your bills. Or you decided, for example, to buy new equipment to take your business to a new level. In other words, you need to find investment for development.  For years banks took the role of providing loans for businesses, but nowadays, many other online platforms can offe


Aldert in Entrepreneurship

Best educational resources for small and medium business

Entrepreneurs and business owners need to improve their skills and knowledge to succeed—one of the ways of strengthening offered by online educational resources.  During the last decade, a MOOC becomes a popular way of learning. A massive open online course (MOOC) is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and free access via the web. Educational websites offer online courses with video lectures as well as quizzes to check the learning process. Many courses have additional interactiv


Elizabeth in Entrepreneurship

Best information resources for small and medium business

Running a small business is not an easy task. Every day small and medium business owners face many challenges, and they need to make decisions that influence their development. We collect some information resources that may help merchants to make their decisions more efficiently. Small Business Trends Small Business Trends review tech products, cover small business news and interview movers and shakers. The site contains over 20,000 pages focused on tips, trends, and answers for


Aldert in Entrepreneurship

Best blogs for food serving businesses

To run a successful business, you have to be professional; you need to examine other similar businesses' experience, get to know the viewpoints of experts, and know global trends of your industry. One of the ways to improve your understanding is to read the blogs dedicated to your business. We have collected useful blogs about food serving businesses, such as restaurants, cafes, and bars. This list may be helpful for owners and managers, Loyverse POS users who have similar companies.  Reddi


Elizabeth in Entrepreneurship

Best ERP systems for small and medium businesses

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning, software that allows small businesses to replace the various information systems, programs, and databases used in the enterprise and start using a single database in an ERP system. ERP software enables the use of essential business functions, such as order processing, production control, and financing. By using one technology platform and enterprise-wide database, businesses can integrate operations and achieve a range of economic, operational, and production


Aldert in Entrepreneurship

What is the best CRM software for your business?

CRM - these three letters contain useful power that can help you develop your business. Customers are the most significant component of running any type of business. That`s why it's essential to pay attention to customer relationship management. Nowadays, there is a lot of CRM software ready to help you optimize marketing, increase sales and improve customer service. Therefore, it's a solution to a data organization problem. Which CRM software should I choose? It's difficult to fi


Elizabeth in Entrepreneurship

What is the best email marketing tool for your business?

Whether your product is content in a blog or an item in a store, in the end, you want as many people to get to know your product and buy it. It is at this point when marketing begins to play a significant role. How, then, can your product reach your target audience? Some of you may think that social media websites- such as Facebook or Instagram- are great tools to advertise your product and reach many people. Although this may work for some time, you do not have much control over the proces


Ashly in Entrepreneurship

Best online platforms for multichannel sales for small and medium businesses

Successful small and medium businesses usually have several sales channels. If you want to have a stable business model, consider improving the variety of your sales channels. There are three main types of channels: offline store or business (brick and mortar), e-commerce, and online marketplaces.  There are different types of data that retailers need to synchronize between selling tools of different channels: orders, reports, inventory, and customer information.  Orders - you have to recei


Andy in Entrepreneurship

Best e-commerce platforms for small and medium businesses

Choosing a platform for e-commerce is an important decision for your business's further development and profitability. Depending on your business's specifics, you will need a platform with a specific set of functions. Consider the main ones: Catalog of goods. E-commerce platforms should provide a convenient way of adding your products and descriptions to them. The content management system should also offer the possibility of uploading items in bulks if the amount of items is hundreds


Andy in Entrepreneurship

Best cloud-based accounting software for small and medium businesses

Cloud-based online accounting services work in any modern browser. Compared with local services, when all operations take place on your computer, cloud solutions store, and process data on a server on the Internet, they also often called cloud-based services. Online accounting services are widely used by private entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses, as they save time and money because now you do not need to hire an accountant and pay him a salary. We prepare an overview of


Andy in Entrepreneurship

Now is the time, when is important to experiment with formats and embrace the shoppers

It is the time for the shop owners, when it is necessary to breakthrough by focusing both on customers (shoppers) who are existing customers, and on a new customers as well. It is a good to experiment with a combinations - creating a hybrid of different formats: like combining a coffee shop, with delivery options and offering there as well necessary products for the nearby living people.  For the small outlets it is the time, of the unifying  hybrid formats of shops-cafes. Combining offline



Working from a cafe

Many people do their jobs from a cafe. Cafe as a working place is popular among freelancers as well as for office workers.  Freelancers often find it difficult to work at home and lose concentration Working at home, we often get distracted and lose motivation. Often we associate home as a place to relax. If you have to do your tasks at home, such as reading articles and researching materials for future work, we need to spend much more time than the job itself requires. Sometimes we can



Why are some coffee shops growing into successful chains, and some are hardly getting cash positive as single outlets?

One of my friends started a coffee shop as an individual business three years ago. Despite all his efforts, now this cafe is closed because it was cash negative and drove him a minus. Recently, I read about Romanian guys, who started their coffee shop business three years ago as well, with 10K euros and 12 sq.meters, and now they have over 150 coffee shops, have sold 35% of their company to venture investor, and have opened their franchise.  Quite impressive growth over the same three



Masks 2.0. Example of business that is growing despite the coronavirus crisis

Despite, that analytics says that there is a start of the global economic crisis, there is a business that is on the rise: Manufacturing of Masks. For example URBAN AIR MASK 2.0 https://www.airinum.com/products/urban-air-mask-2-0-classic?variant=13654585606249 This manufacturer is out of stock. His fancy designed mask cost 69 USD. It is reusable, with filters. The original cost of such a mask, I believe small. Margin-profit should be very big. Looks good for business i


Elias in Entrepreneurship

Essential Features of Point of Sale System for Retail

Modern POS systems have a lot of functionality for different ones. However, there are several essential features that you need to use in a retail business. Ability to sale different product The POS system should allow selling your types of products. For example, if you sell cloth, you should be able to process the same item with different sizes. The POS should give you the ability of sale through scanning barcodes, to make the process of selling quick and straightforward. For grocery stor



3 Business Lessons That Every Entrepreneur Should Learn

Do you want to develop faster and better than your competitors? Regardless of which niche you are building your business, there are chips that work or do not work for everyone. And today I want to share with you the best business lessons that guarantee you a 100% chance of success in whatever you are doing. Ready to learn them and be always ahead? Then we will not waste time Lesson 1: Your employees are not your children or your personal assistants You do not have to run at their



Loyverse Point of Sale





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