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Getting Items by Name or another field / There will be a Description Field ?


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Hi Everyone, I hope you all are living a nice day!

At the moment I'm developing with this amazing API a Chatbot. I would like to know if in future versions of API we'll be able to retireve information by Name.

And, I would like to know if there will be a Description Field? thanks for your time. 


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Hi @Isobe_Yasuaki,

Identify an Item by Name or things by Name instead of ID.

hatbots recognizes People words and I can avoid lot of work if I can get Item by name Instead of putting variables equal to an specific Id manually.

Thanks too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @Mizar,

Thank you for your suggestion.
Currently, we don't have such plan. But I will pass your suggestion to development team and discuss it.

Best regards,

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