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Community of Users and Developers of Loyverse API.


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  2. Hello @anhthh There are 3 ways of creating webhooks in Loyverse. 1. Create webhook from https://r.loyverse.com/dashboard/#/webhooks 2. Create webhook from /webhook endpoint using an Access token. 3. Create webhook from /webhook endpoint using OAuth 2.0. Only when you create a webhook by 3. the webhook will contain X-Loyverse-Signature in the Header. We use the HMAC algorithm with SHA-1 as a hash function.
  3. I created a webhook with event receipts were created. I want loyverse webhook should be attribute identify at header. How can i do that?
  4. Hi there, I want to implement the fidelity program and kitchen and shift management from Loyeverse in an existing POS. They send me the Swagger and the open API. How can I understand if the connection is feasible?
  5. Hello @smartcashier Thank you for your post. Unfortunately, we don't have a function to get order details from API at this moment.
  6. Hi everyone! In my everyday activities in the business, I use HubSpot a lot, and I am grateful to find that in Zapier there exists a template that connects directly customers from Loyverse to HubSpot. Then it is so easy for me to send emails to customers about some promotions that I have in my business, keep in touch with them, send them birthday wishes, etc. I thought it would be helpful to everyone there if they use Loyverse and HubSpot. To start the integration with HubSpot and Loyverse please follow the steps as below, 1. Go to Zapier find HubSpot and Loyverse templates, and choose the first one. 2. Then please configure your template by connecting your Loyverse account, in the app&event choose “customer update” as an event, and tap continue. 3. After that please continue adding your HubSpot account, and continue with the other steps, 4. After that please publish your Zap and enable it. 5. Then each time you update or create a new account for your customers, the details will be sent to the HubSpot account. Here is a customer added to Loyverse, 6. It will be automatically added to the HubSpot account section. I hope this article gives you a clear overview of how this template works. Best regards! Josh, GreatPlace
  7. Is it possible to get order details with api call? Know i can get data only after payment
  8. Zoho Inventory Integration with Loyverse using Zapier Platform In Zapier, there are templates to use to integrate Loyverse and Zoho Inventory. There are 3 available templates on Zapier to choose from: Add New Loyverse Items from Zoho Inventory Add New Items in Zoho Inventory from Loyverse Create Zoho Inventory salesorders for New Updates to Loyverse Receipts The templates created are for syncing created items from Loyverse to Zoho Inventory and vice versa, and the other template is to sync Receipts from Loyverse to Salesorders on Zoho Inventory. These are designed to make the flow easier between syncing of data so that unnecessary and tedious steps are avoided. For example, Add New Loyverse Items from Zoho Inventory uses the Loyverse Create Items trigger to look for any new items created or updated and then automatically creates the said items onto Zoho Inventory.
  9. Qulture

    API Integration - Self Order @ Table

    This is currently being built at our restaurant for our customers. We will post an update when its complete.
  10. slothandmessenger

    notify customer

    Hello everyone I am wondering if anyone knows if it is possible to notify customers via text message that orders are ready? I was looking at Revel POS and with Twilio it is possible to send message once order is marked complete. Is it possible to do this with Loyverse I know that it is possible to integrate with Twilio but the only information I can find is send receipts. Any info would be appreciated.
  11. Yasuaki

    Webhook not working

    Hello @TICLAB Thank you for your post. At this moment, if the test webhook receives a status other than 200, it shows the error message. If you created a receipts.update webhook but doesn't get webhook even if you make sales, please let me know your Loyverse account email and example receipt number in the direct mail.
  12. Hello, As per the title, my webhook is not working. I use 1 webhook which is inventory updated. I thought my server is having problem. But then I also tested sending webhook request to https://webhook.site/ and capture the http request there but When I "send test notification" at the webhook page, it don't work with (I have failed message) . But then when I try making a sale in loyverse, I didn't receive any request. Please ask me if you need more information or details regarding this. Thank you.
  13. Hello, it's 2024 now, is it possible to list all receipts by customer_id ? this seems like a really simple addition yet I don't know why you can't have it. I have a problem because some receipt were not being pushed to my system through the webhook, so I have to query all receipts during the guest stay at the hotel (which could be a minimum of 5-6 nights) and that is a LOT, I have to parse around 40k - 60k lines of json just to find 1 or 2 missing receipt for certain guest. and the result weren't even consistent. sometime it would just time out, sometime it would work but only got 1 instead of 2, etc. so I beg you please please please add the filter by customer_id please
  14. Hi Loyverse users, I'm Andrew Silva, I provide software support for the products you know & love out of Nashville, Tennessee. I am a certified Zapier expert and Make.com expert ready to assist with any Loyverse API development needs that may come up. If you need help with Zapier, Make.com, or the Loyverse API, please reach out to ars@supportsidekick.com.
  15. Hi everyone! I'd like to share to you a very simple integration to have the items created automatically in Facebook Catalog!! Honestly, when I found out about this, it made my life so much easier in ways that I didn't even realized that I needed it! So, I really recommend checking out Make and Loyverse if you are like me who is using Facebook Catalog to manage online business! A few things to help anyone out if struggling with finding some reference materials or articles to refer to: - Facebook (FB) Business page help center:https://www.facebook.com/business/help - Make Help Center: https://www.make.com/en/help/home. Now that these things are out of the way, let's try to create the integration with the ff steps!: 1.) Go to Make.com and create a new scenario 2.) Search for Loyverse and then select “Watch Items” to allow Make to listen or watch for any new items incoming. 3.) Click on the Add button to log into your Loyverse account credentials and then select the Event Type to “Create” so that Make looks for items that are created only. 4.) Then, add Facebook catalog by searching for it when adding the new step. Choose “Facebook Catalog” 5.) Click on the Add button to login onto your Facebook Account credentials and then click on the Business ID afterwards to select the Business. Afterwards, Catalog ID will dropdown bar will appear. Select the Catalog created on your Business account in Facebook. Then lastly, click on “Add Item” under “Products”. 6.) Add the details or information gotten from the Loyverse and enter it onto the required fields: Retailer ID, Title, Price, Image Link. In this case for now, I’ve used Item’s SKU as a Retailer ID as you are allowed to create any form of ID onto that field. Please note as well that Image Link should not be empty otherwise the integration will fail. And there you have it folks!! It's really simple and easy to set up. Now, you can sit back, relax and watch as the magic of automation deals with tedious steps like having to create the same item twice!
  16. Hello @Aqib Thank you for your question. Do you need to know ticket number of existing receipts? Like this screenshot, we have a receipt number which is unique for each receipt, and "Order" is the assigned ticket name for each sale(not unique.) Let me know if you have more questions.
  17. Yasuaki

    Use of Webhook

    Hello @Johnson This article explains how to subscribe to add-ons including Integrations. https://help.loyverse.com/help/how-use-paid-services-loyverse-pos
  18. Hello @4Fuentes May I know if you are trying to create an item with variants by API?
  19. Yasuaki

    Expiration date on Items

    Hello Abel, Thank you for your post. Unfortunately, Loyverse doesn't have the status of expiration date at this moment.
  20. Hi there, here's a snippet of the item I'm trying to update, directly from the API - note that even though there's no set options, there's still a single variant listed. { "id": "<GUID from Loyverse>", ... "option1_name": null, "option2_name": null, "option3_name": null, ... "variants": [ { "variant_id": "<GUID from Loyverse>", "item_id": "<item GUID from Loyverse>", "option1_value": null, "option2_value": null, "option3_value": null, ... "default_pricing_type": "FIXED", "default_price": 28, ... } ] } I want to update the default price, so I make a call to the /variants endpoint with this payload: { "default_pricing_type": "FIXED", "default_price": <the new price>, "variant_id": "<variant GUID from the above call>", "item_id": "<item GUID from the above call>" } I then get back the error message from the original post. I've worked around this issue for now by just removing the item and recreating it, but I'd like to actually update it - if this isn't the correct way, how would I go about doing it?
  21. ACE-IroncladCafe

    Online Loyalty Points

    Does anyone know if any of the online ordering, such as Orderlina, work with Loyverse’s Loyalty points? Either adding to balances, using balances, or both?
  22. Hello @KCFBricks Thank you for your comment. The error message "Could not add variant to item with id <id> because it has no options." means that the variant you were trying to update didn't have "Option name" and "Option value". Could you put the item detail that you want to update and request payload?
  23. I've written a script to sync items into Loyverse from another source, and as part of this I need to occasionaly update prices for the items. My current script creates items and its variants in one API call, specifying the existing IDs if they already exist. However, when calling the items API with variants, the prices are not updated, and when calling the variants API explicitly with the variant ID specified, I get back an INVALID_VALUE error with the message "Could not add variant to item with id <id> because it has no options." This doesn't make sense to me as the documentation - https://developer.loyverse.com/docs/#tag/Variants/paths/~1variants/post - says that specifying a variant ID when making the call should update the variant rather than creating a new one, so it shouldn't be trying to add another variant to the same item. Can this be looked into?
  24. Hello, my name is Abel. Greetings from the Dominican Republic. I would like to know if you have any way to have product alerts regarding expiration dates. Thank you so much Abel WhatsApp 18494012696
  25. Hello @Rene Thank you for your post. Unfortunately, we don't have such an endpoint right now. You can also post your feature request here: https://loyverse.town/forum/29-feature-requests/
  26. Hello there, Is there a way to tell when an item was added to a ticket? If not, how can I file that as a feature request? Thanks!

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