The love for bees, the development of a company, and an entire community allied to Loyverse.
We met with Leopoldo Sanchez Brito, Galil's manager and representative in Mexico, who told us how his company makes great contributions to the community and how Loyverse has helped to consolidate his business in a practical way.
Welcome, and thank you for participating in this space. Could you tell us about your business, what do you do?
Our brand name is Galil, and the company is Galil Mieles. We are a microenterprise, dedicated to producing and commercializing honey and honey derivatives. Located in the south-central part of the Mexican Republic, we bring honey from all over the southeast of Mexico. We bring honey from Yucatan, Tabasco, Campeche, Veracruz, La Escala, and from the same region of Puebla. This honey is 100% natural, there is nothing processed, we bottle it and sell it on a small scale through social networks and home delivery, practically only in the region of Puebla and Mexico City.
How long ago and how did the business idea start?
The company has been here in Mexico for 4 years, and our founder and current director is originally from Israel, his father and grandfather were beekeepers in Israel. He knows everything related to the work, he likes working with bees and honey. He wanted to start this business here in the region where he has lived for ten years. The business is born romantically, for love for the bees, for the work of apiculture, and obviously, what we are looking for is to be a good business. We have not yet reached the level we want to have, but we are advancing step by step.
How did you find the Loyverse application, and how did you adapt it to your business?
I was looking for a program that would help us to organize all the sales administration with the respective reports, and I looked for other options, some more complicated, some very simple, and others very expensive for our company. We found that Loyverse adapted very well to our budget and the size of our organization, for this reason, we decided to start with Loyverse and we have been using the application for 4 months. We are still learning how to use it, at the moment, we have 3 stores registered with Loyverse, we are using the trial period for Advanced Inventory, and we would like to start with the subscription soon. In relation to sales, it has helped us a lot, mainly with the reports we get and the period of time we can customize.
What are the tools you use most from Loyverse?
At the moment we have 2 employees, so we use employee management. And as I mentioned before, we use the reports that give us the sales by product. We like the versatility of registering each sale, the way the products are registered is very practical. I find the reports that are in the database by customers very useful. Another thing that we also use are the points that each customer accumulates with their purchase, we are using it as a trial because we are creating a fan club of bee and honey lovers, so we want to implement loyalty points for all those who join the club. This last one is what we liked the most, the easy way how we can assign points, redeem points or edit the Loyalty points. Also, the graphs we get from each report. I don't use the cash part yet because we never open and close shifts, so there is no cash cut-off, however, I would be interested if I could have a cash report. A feature I have recently discovered is the Pay-in Payout report, so the following step is to implement it and practice it in our business as well as record expenses.
What is the goal you have for your business in the long term or medium term?
We have many projects in the process of development, and others are still dreams. But one of the goals is to consolidate the business commercially, stabilize sales and make them grow exponentially. That is to say, we want to sell our product in large stores, and as long as it is profitable, we have to find a balance. Also, to be able to sell online in other regions of the country, and in the longer term to export, is a long-term goal, in about 7 years.
We have a project which is the rescue of swarms. The swarms are messy and are installed on the roof of your house, on the terrace or in a boat in the attic, etc., for this it is necessary to call the firefighters and they remove and kill it. Well, we want that not to happen, the goal is that they call us instead of the firemen, and we rescue it and take it to our apiary, take care of it and reactivate it so that it is orderly and produces honey and those bees are not killed. We are already doing this, but the project has to grow on a large scale. This also allows us to contribute to the environment and, by the way, to our growth as a company.
Finally, our great dream is to develop biological corridors, we want to extend this circle of activities because the bees need a favorable environment, flowers, trees, less use of insecticides, that is to say, and less harmful things and more favorable, so the great dream is to promote with the municipal and state governments, the union of the 4 ecosystems that are around the volcanoes Popocatépetl, La Malinche and Pico de Orizaba. In order to develop the region so that there are trees, flowers and water, necessary elements for the bees, and this, in turn, allows other species such as birds, plants, insects, etc. This is a big dream because it is a very big challenge, it depends on the government, the economy, and the communities, among other things, but well, in ten years, we could be working on this biological corridor. This is a long-term goal we have in about 10 years.
In addition to these projects, how your business seeks to contribute to your community?
Of course, we have a sustainable project, we have a project to support farmers so that they can open beekeeping production units, that is, honey production units. We are already doing it as a pilot project, we trained a group of farmers in the region, and we taught them how to manage the bees, how to take care of them, and how to make their hives productive. They have already harvested their first crop and collected the honey, which has become an economic aid that complements their income from the field and diversifies their activity. We want to expand this project, we even buy the honey from them and market it at a fair price so that we can sell it in our commercial network.
We have a small school called “Bee School” that does not have a physical location, but we hold meetings in schools, colleges, or with families, so we show them the process of honey production, we take them to see the apiary, and to handle the bees, that is, we are teaching children and adults the importance of bees and how to take care of them, and what to do in case they need help, so this project is very nice, it has already been working for 3 years. Children love to work with bees, they wear special protective suits and are in contact with them without any risk. So this school project, we also hope it will grow, and we hope that Loyverse will help us to grow in all the projects we have.
As you can see, our goals are quite ambitious and optimistic, and we would really like Loyverse to be part of us to help us grow, so we thank you for this space and suggestions on how to use Loyverse better to make our life easier and allow us to focus on what is important and not waste time on little things that are easy to solve and a tool like Loyverse can help us to be practical in the management and administration of our business.
Thank you very much for your time and attention
Galil Social Media: galil.mieles
Galil de abejas y miel
Edited by GabrielaYP
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