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Home screen item layout for iPhones

The new feature has been released on Loyverse POS app for iOS version 2.21. iPhone users now have the option to choose the layout of the home sales screen; either grid or list. This feature allows you to find a desired product or discount with more ease to add to the receipt.

To set your iPhone in list layout, go to “General” under the application settings and tap ‘Home screen item layout’.


The list layout is set by default for iPhones but if you prefer the grid layout, choose list option to make the change.


In this case, all the items at the sales screen will be listed in three columns. This mode is useful if you prefer to find items by its image or color.


Currently, this option is available only on iOS devices. Functionality for  Android devices are coming later.
If you want to arrange items on the sale screen by pages, you have to use tablet devices, either with iOS or Android system.


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