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Advanced Inventory Update! - Inventory Count, Printing Labels, and Additional Cost

As promised, our team has been working hard to keep providing excellent services and products, and we want to make sure the updates keep coming!

Today, we are glad to introduce three new functionalities that were just released for the Back Office as part of the Advanced inventory management: Inventory Count, Printing Labels, and Additional Cost.

These new functionalities help you to more accurately keep track of your inventory, more conveniently label items, and more precisely calculate business profitability indicators.

So, let's go over them briefly!

Inventory Count

This functionality allows to:

  • reconcile the expected and actual inventory for all or selected items;
  • see the amount of inventory loss or surplus inventory;
  • keep documents for each inventory.

You can chose the type of your inventory count: ‘Partial’ or ‘Full’.
In case of Full inventory count, you do not need to choose the items for the count, because all items in the system whose ‘track stock’ option is enabled will be automatically added to the document.

In case of Partial inventory count, you have to add the items to the count manually. You can add items to the list one by one in the ‘Search Item’ field, or you can add a whole category by clicking on the ‘Add by category’ button, as well as adding all items assigned to a certain supplier by clicking on the ‘Add by supplier’ button.


Reference: How to Work with Inventory Count


Printing Labels

Labels are used to mark the items in the store. The label can contain the item’s name, SKU, price, and barcode. Labels with a barcode allow you to use the scanner to add items to the ticket.

You can also print labels from the Purchase order, Transfer order, or Stock adjustment documents. 


Reference: How to Print Labels for Items


Additional Costs

When a retailer makes purchases, very often there are other expenses besides the amount of the ordered items. It can be the expenses for shipping goods, packaging, customs fee, and other additional costs. Thus, the total cost of goods can be higher than indicated in the order to the supplier.

The possibility to specify additional costs in a purchase order allows you to take them into account in the final cost of goods and, therefore, obtain more accurate business profitability indicators.


Reference:  How to work with Additional Costs

That's it for now! I hope these functionalities will further help your business. Make sure to visit our help pages for more info!

Until next time, take care!



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