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Best educational resources for small and medium business

Entrepreneurs and business owners need to improve their skills and knowledge to succeed—one of the ways of strengthening offered by online educational resources. 
During the last decade, a MOOC becomes a popular way of learning. A massive open online course (MOOC) is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and free access via the web. Educational websites offer online courses with video lectures as well as quizzes to check the learning process. Many courses have additional interactive learning instruments, such as forums or social media discussions, to support community synergies among students, professors, teaching assistants, and immediate feedback to quick quizzes and assignments.
Most of the educational platforms provide their introductory courses for free. However, for additional payment, they usually offer the possibility to get certificates after the successful completion of studies. 



Udemy, Inc. is an American education resource for professional adults and learners. It was founded in May 2010 by Eren Bali, Gagan Biyani, and Oktay Caglar. The platform has more than 130,000 courses and enrolls more than 35 million students and 57,000 instructors teaching courses in over 65 languages. Students take courses mainly as a means of improving job-related skills. Some courses generate credit for technical certification. 




There are several thousand courses on various topics on Coursera. Business sections contain categories: leadership and management, finance, marketing, entrepreneurship, business essentials, business strategy, and more. Courses are taught by high-level professionals from top universities and companies. Hundreds of free courses provide access to video lectures, homework exercises, and community discussion forums. Paid courses provide additional quizzes and projects as well as a shareable certificate upon completion.




The edX is a primary source of free courses from leading universities, including Harvard, Stanford, MIT, University of Pennsylvania, and others. Founded in 2012 by Harvard and MIT, edX is home to more than 20 million learners, the majority of top-ranked universities in the world, and industry-leading companies. edX is both a nonprofit and open source. edX delivers courses for curious minds on topics ranging from data and computer science to leadership and communications. 




Alison is an online education platform that mostly concentrates on workplace-based skills. It was founded in Galway, Ireland, by Irish social entrepreneur Mike Feerick. It has 14 million registered learners, 2 million graduates, and 1,500 courses available for free access.




Skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of classes for creative and curious people, on topics including illustration, design, photography, video, freelancing, and more. There are also significant business sections with issues on entrepreneurship, freelance, leadership, marketing, productivity, and more.




OpenLearn is a free learning platform, produced by The Open University. Since its launch in 2006, OpenLearn, the site attracts almost 75 million visitors. The website has Money and Business sections with courses on accounting & finance, business strategy, economics, entrepreneurship, human resources, leadership & management, marketing, etc..




TalentLMS cloud learning platform allows you to create online courses and share them with remote teams. There are many sample courses on various common business topics that you can use for your learning. 


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