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add more quantity in sales display of each variant of goods

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I'm new for Loyverse for selling spray colors and wonder about when I add item in sales screen, it's possible to add more quantities for each color directly from one screen (all color list is put in spray color as Variants). Now I have to add items already in color list one by one. If customers need to buy such as 10 can of #L40 and 20 can of spray #L29 (from image attached), is there a way to quickly add quantities of them, instead of click 30 times of same item?



On 9/20/2024 at 12:38 PM, Charoen said:

is there a way to quickly add quantities of them, instead of click 30 times of same item?

First, please click on a variant as you do, then, please scroll down. You will see the QUANTITY option. Type the quantity of this variant you wish to add to the ticket.

Press SAVE button and add another variant the same way.



Oh!! It’s a solution I need. Thanks very much. However, if I type first variants already and type the another one, when customers back to order the first variants, it shows in 2 lines not grouping into 1 line of items in slip. Is it possible to merge it?


Another question is where to add the conditions (in blue box) as you add it.


  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/27/2024 at 10:59 AM, Charoen said:

However, if I type first variants already and type the another one, when customers back to order the first variants, it shows in 2 lines not grouping into 1 line of items in slip. Is it possible to merge it?

I am afraid it is not possible to merge the same variants in this case.

On 9/27/2024 at 11:19 AM, Charoen said:

Another question is where to add the conditions (in blue box) as you add it. (screenshot)

First, you need to create the discounts: https://help.loyverse.com/help/how-create-and-configure-discounts
After the discounts are created, you can apply them to the whole ticket (to all items in a ticket) or to a specific item added to the ticket.
Please, check this tutorial: 
How to Apply Discounts During a Sale

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