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How to enter "negative amount"


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I have to paid some winning ticket from lottery - so I need to add an open product but with negativ value. How can I do it ? 

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I need to track cash coming out of the cash drawer! so a similar question as OP. There is no petty cash option? or a way of to do a negative, that cash has come out?? what to do in this situation please???

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21 hours ago, Eric1066 said:

I need to track cash coming out of the cash drawer! so a similar question as OP. There is no petty cash option? or a way of to do a negative, that cash has come out?? what to do in this situation please???


To track daily expenses, you can use a PAYOUT feature, which is a part of the Shift management option.
All the expenses, as well as Pay-ins, will be displayed in the daily shift report:
To check the expenses/pay-ins report for a certain period of time, please enter the Shift reports section in the back office, choose the needed filters in the report header, and press the EXPORT (Pay ins and payouts) button:

In the exported report, you will see all pay-ins / payouts for a specific period:


If it is necessary, in the exported CSV file, you can filter the data you need to display. For example, you can choose to display the payouts only or the expenses recorded by a specific employee, and so on.



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On 4/30/2024 at 9:25 PM, AuRepair said:

I have to paid some winning ticket from lottery - so I need to add an open product but with negativ value. How can I do it ?


1st way:
To track lottery wins you can use the PAYOUT feature that was mentioned above.
But please note that PAYOUTS will not affect the Sales Summary report in the back office.

2nd way:
To track lottery wins you can use the amount discounts

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