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FreshKDS Integration

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I’m currently working on a project that lets Loyverse POS use FreshKDS as its KDS but seeing it as an Epson Printer. FreshKDS already integrated an Epson Printer Emulator when you select Square as your POS on the FreshKDS app. So I built a python project that runs on a raspberry pi that acts as the middle man. What I’m trying to do is have Loyverse send the receipt to the raspberry pi as if the raspberry pi is a local network Epson printer, then the python project on the raspberry pi will receive the receipt and format it to an order ticket for FreshKDS and then send it to FreshKDS via the Epson local network printer emulator they have built in now. I’m currently working with the FreshKDS dev team directly and they have been a great help. I just need some help from the Loyverse dev team if possible. If Loyverse can just add the printer emulator format so Loyverse POS can talk directly to FreshKDS that would be great and I wouldn’t have to jump through hoops to use my FreshKDS system. I use Fresh because I also use square and I do everything locally in my food truck because internet is not always reliable where I go. Any help will be great. Thanks 


Loyverse Point of Sale





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