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How to customize my print labels?


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Can I customize the labels of the items?
I would like to personalize my item’s look  according to our thematic color or adding my logo if it is possible.

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You can show/hide the barcode, name and the price of the items from the print label feature of Loyverse; however, there is no such feature to personalize your labels.

As an unofficial way to customize your item labels for creating item cards, you can save the labels as PDF file and edit with a PDF editor software and personalize it as you want.



I would personally recommend using the label type A4 sheet - 70 mm × 37 mm, in order to save as PDF file and for editing them, because it gives you more spaces. Otherwise, the Zebra label type will save each label as a small page when you save it and the Dymo label type gives you less space.

Comparison of labels type when saving them as PDF file:


For example, you can add a logo, sales icon, item's image, or even decorate it in the way you want.

*When you save the labels as PDF, there will not appear the black lines, I added them in the image below:


In case you want to print a different label size that does not have Loyverse, you can try to set up the printer for the desired size in the print settings manually.


And then in the printer settings, select "Custom" Margins. And move the print borders closer to the center, as shown in the image below:


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