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Trying to connect Epson TM-m50 which has superseded a printer on the list TM- m30


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You can try to connect this model as the Other model. I recommend connecting via an Ethernet interface, as more useful that may feet to both Android and iOS devices. 
After that, you may try to connect via other interfaces, USB and Bluetooth. But it may work only with Android devices. 
While connecting as other model, you can try different settings in the Advanced settings of the printer setting at POS, such as Graphic or Text mode and printer width. 
Developers do not test this printer, so we cannot guarantee it will work. If you can connect it, please, write here your experience; it may be beneficial for others. 

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Thanks for reply we did get it working by changing the name of the printer via the Epsom app to TM-M30 on your approved printer list then selected this in the add printer in the program. This worked however the printout company name and the printing was not centred and run off to one side of the paper. Also connected via Ethernet and the same occurred. We even contacted the Epson technical help desk and they advised this printer is a direct superseded printer. We were able to return this printer and obtained the one on the list and it all connected instantly. 
hope this helps. 

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