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Sale has a receipt but no receipt item and no sumup transaction

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Hi, we have a weird one on our system.  On our POS system we have a sale for £5.  We have a receipt in back office but when you look into the receipt items there is no record relating to the receipt.  According to the receipt it was a card payment but we have no record of it in our sumup reports.  How is it possible to have a receipt record but with no receipt item record?



Could you be able to show us what this receipt looks like via taking a screenshot/picture of it please? 


HI, here are two screen shots of what is happening.  The first is an example of a normal transaction (Receipt 1-2416).  You can see that the receipt has receipt items attached to it and the card details. This went through SumIp ok. The second (Receipt 1-2415) shows that the card details were taken but no receipt items were attached to the receipt.  Also the amount did not go through SumUp.  It is strange that we have a receipt but no receipt items.

Screenshot 1 receipt with items.png

Screenshot 2 receipt without items.png



Thank you for providing us with the screenshots. Let me have this be checked by our team. 

In the meantime, receipt number 1-2415 seem to be a duplicated receipt made from 1-2416. In which case, you can simply cancel the receipt no. 1-2415 from your Back Office.

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