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How to connect POS80c ethernet printer to Loyverse POS?

Go to solution Solved by Javi,

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Hi, Loyverse community! I'm Spanish so excuse me. I have a printer with Ethernet and USB port, but I can't configure correctly. In USB I don't have problems, but in Ethernet I have problems. It's a "pos80c" I think it's Chinese when I connect Ethernet to PC, I can access printer directly putting the IP at a web browser, or I can change the logo with the software. But when connect to the router, I don't have any IP, all have an IP, TV, smartphone, tablet, camera... But the printer doesn't have anything. I did the self-test and put the IP in Loyverse POS, still doesn't work. I restart the printer without DHCP, doesn't work. I put a new IP to the printer from Windows 7, then activated DHCP and connect to router putting the new IP in Loyverse POS and it doesn't work. So anyone can help me plz? Can the printer have Ethernet but don't have to/IP? This is why I can't connect? Thank you.


No model

Thanks Rodrigo I was resizing images

  • Solution

Solved! I replugged Ethernet cable and it works, I can't understand now it's at router with IP. It's a Cisco printer.

EDIT# My brother change the configuration in the back of the printer has an screw an he switch​switchSW8 there is a driver mode and normal mode. Then plug and unplug again. You can see in photos.  Gracias Rodrigo!

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