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Has anyone’s open cash draw and print receipt functions suddenly disappeared?

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Has anyone’s open cash draw and print receipt functions suddenly disappeared? 
I can still test print a receipt from the printer settings so it’s connected just can’t do anything else



On the printer settings you have set in your POS App, do you have the "Print Receipts and Bills" and the "Automatically Print Receipts" checked or enabled? If you do not have this checked then this might be the reason why you are unable to print receipt after doing a test sale but still be able to print a test.

If you do have these mentioned options enabled, then could I ask for a screenshot of the printer settings and also the printer brand and model that you are using?


Hello Shinji

I bought the POS as a package so i know the hardware that i have are all compatible. I use an Ipad with an Epson TM-m30II printer and cash draw. It has me puzzled as, i have been using the app and the hardware for 12 months now and the functions just all of a sudden dropped out during a shift. i will check the settings when i go into the shop later but i dont believe that that would be the issue.


Hello Shinji

Upon arrival to work i checked the printer settings as mentioned above and found where the issue was, thank you for your help.


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