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Can we change the closing receipt?

Go to solution Solved by Andy,

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Can we change the closing receipt? Right now it prints the sales summary for the shift. What I need is for it to print list of items that has been sold in that shift together with the total gross sales amount. Because our vendor complain that this is only shift closing, not full day closing. I argued and explained how to use the reports in Loyverse backoffice but he still want the closing shift report that way, which is all items sold with total gross sales amount printed by the Loyverse printer. Is there anyway I can customise it?

  • Solution

Hello. Unfortunately, It is not possible to customize the closing shift report.

On 8/21/2021 at 8:14 PM, Andy said:

Hello. Unfortunately, It is not possible to customize the closing shift report.

I understand. Thanks for confirming this.

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