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Gets error while post method API


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Here's my applescript.


tell application "Finder"

set fullname to name of (selection as alias)

set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"_"}

set Cname to first text item of fullname

set Cmobile to second text item of fullname

set Ccustomer to second text item of fullname

display dialog ("이름: " & Cname & "

전화번호: " & Cmobile & "

고객번호: " & Ccustomer)

do shell script "Cname=" & Cname & " Cmobile=" & Cmobile & " Ccustomer=" & Ccustomer & "; curl --location --request POST 'https://api.loyverse.com/v1.0/customers' --header 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --header 'Authorization: Bearer d911043####################' --header 'Cookie: AWSALB=327XFY8AKfJFItTfErSMIf2R+cKJfgQeedICFa0WH5yC6qVfsZL5Rhxb+S2DBmdx0lmLIBquXdSVrB0yfMMQ00z6tH9imVXEzF6VZ8a993Kze1AkeH9grq######; AWSALBCORS=327XFY8AKfJFItTfErSMIf2R+cKJfgQeedICFa0WH5yC6qVfsZL5Rhxb+S2DBmdx0lmLIBquXdSVrB0yfMMQ00z6tH9imVXEzF6VZ8a993Kze1AkeH9grq######' --data-raw '{    \"name\": '$Cname',    \"phone_number\": '$Cmobile',    \"customer_code\": '$Ccustomer',    \"note\": \"\"}'"

--do shell script "Cname=" & Cname & " Cmobile=" & Cmobile & " Ccustomer=" & Ccustomer & "; echo $Cname $Cmobile $Ccustomer"

end tell

Cname is 홍길동

Cmobile is 01000000000

Ccustomer is 01000000000


By doing this, I can register customers to loyverse  from Finder by based on filename.

But it gets error regarding""{\"errors\":[{\"code\":\"BAD_REQUEST\",\"details\":\"Invalid UTF-8 start byte 0x84 (line 1 character 16)\"}]}""

When I echo it to see if variable works, it shows find.


Where should I fix?

스크린샷 2021-07-28 오후 2.30.10.png

Edited by YUIKJOO
to remove token
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