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Count items with barcodes

Go to solution Solved by Christine,

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We use Loyverse for managing our club shop during an exhibition. There people will bring 100 of items to sell them in the shop, all items have barcodes. Is there a quick way in Loyverse to scan the barcodes upon reception of the items so that they are automatically added to the stock? Similar to the sales process, there scanned item appears in the receipt, I need the scanned item to appear in the stock resp. to be added to the stock.

The "Edit Item" approach with the barcode takes too long, as the item is opened, I need to adjust the stock and save it. For 1 item this is OK, for 100s it takes too long.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Solution

In Loyverse POS system we have an option to do Stock Adjustments
You can search item in stock adjustment by scanning barcode of item (of course, you need to have this item in the list with such barcode) and add the stock you receive today. It is good if you never order this items, but need to add certain amount to the stock. 

Another case, when you order from Supplier and need to receive it, it is possible to use Purchase orders and also use barcode scanner to find the item and add to stock. 



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