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Hard delete customer


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It would be nice to be able to delete a costumer completely. Not just soft deletion:



When developing and testing "Create customer" it would be nice to be able to use the same parameters, and not having to create a new user for every call to the API. I would just like to hard-delete the customer i just created, and then test again with same parameters.

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Customers with deletion mark, used nowhere. I'm don't see why you cannot create customer, delete this customer and create again. Can you give me an example, why you cannot do this?

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Hi there,

When I delete a customer (using API call: https://developer.loyverse.com/docs/#tag/Customers/paths/~1customers~1{customer_id}/delete).

And want to create the same customer again. I get this response:



"errors": [


"code": "INVALID_VALUE",

"details": "Customer with customer_code '123456789' already exists.",

"field": "object.email"




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