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fidelity restriction to certain stores, problem also with external integration through API and modules

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we started integration between loyverse and woocommerce through the SKUPlug module. Integration goes pretty well but there what we think is a real limitation/bug : Fidelity.

We use a fidelity system in woocommerce, and when SKUPlug imports orders into loyverse, loyverse fidelity system (activated on our POS) apply also points to theses customers, which doubles the points.

i know fidelity cannot be restricted to a special store if you run more than one, this is a real limitation, and in our case blocks us in ecommerce integration

Can't this be solved ? maybe give SKUPlug developpers a key to specify in their feed no points should be applied ?





This Integration was built by our partner SKU Plugs, so unfortunately, we can't provide support for it. Please send your inquiry to support@skuplugs.com, and they'll be more than happy to help you out.



i don't ask for support for their extension.
We point out what seems to be a limitation due to Loyverse as loyalty cannot be activated individually on stores, it applies for all declared stores.

Do they have the technical possibility to bypass the points automatic attribution is the question.

Loyverse Point of Sale





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