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stop re-using SKU's. :: URGENT::


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Hello Loyverse developers.

I have run into a major problem with Loyverse. 
If i delete a product in Loyverse and after a while a make a new product Loyverse re-uses the SKU that was used before. This causes problems with other platforms
Now Loyverse has an API it means that the software will be communicating with other platforms. And other platforms get confused if a SKU is RE-used.
If a product has SKU 123 and after a while ANOTHER product has also SKU 123 (because loyverse reuses sku count if a product is deleted) it gives all kinds of trouble...

Introducing the API also means that sku's should never be re-used and should count on. Right now syncing new products to shopify is not possible because of this, i would imagine woocommerce would handle the sku problem in a similar way

thanks, Joris



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Hello Joris,

Thank you for your comment.
I have checked Shopify, and it looks they allow user to reuse same SKU for different item.

Could you kindly explain more detail what is your problem?

Best regards,

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hello, if i delete a product in loyverse (product A), and after that i create a new product (product B) in loyverse, the variants of that product has a sku that shopify has seen already.  Now shopify will add the variant of the new product(product B) to an existing shopify product. So you will end up with a shopify product that is NOT product A or B but it has the variants of of product B. 

I understand if you dont follow me, but In reality it means that now i have products in my shopify collection that have image count and prices of different products! and the worst part is that i dont know what products unless i go thru each product one by one to check! its a major flaw!! I have been thinking about all the angles and my conclusion is that loyverse should never re-use a sku number once it's been used.




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above product, in the image, doesnt have an xxl option and it doesnt cost 99 euro. This product did have an xxl option long time ago but it was deleted in shopify long time ago. now shopify sees the same sku again and thinks it belongs to that product as a variant. but it should be a variant of another product. 

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If variant is deleted in Loyverse you can delete it in Shopify as well (deleted variant will have some value for "deleted_at" attribute). Main point that Loyverse does not allow to have 2 existing (not deleted) variants with same SKU and this is also how most of ecommerce platforms work.

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i dont think you understand what the problem is. loyverse cant have two existing sku's AT THE SAME TIME but it can over time. if i delete from loyverse and make a new product it has the same sku. so it loyverse DOES allow double sku but not at the same time. for the connected platform  it results in a problem.

Edited by ilih
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i cant just delete in shopify aswell cause shopify remebers what sku it used in the past. suddenly all kind of deleted products appear again with wrong variants etc. 

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  • 4 months later...

this problem still exists and it's a real issue. loyverse still re-uses sku's that have been used before and it is still messing up my connected platforms. Do you have any plans to address this issue?    if a sku has been used, never use that number again.

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Did you try use reference_id field as unique key instead sku?

Or also you can setup webhooks and after each update receive actual data automatically.

Also you can compare not only sku, buy also name, price, type of weight, etc.

Edited by Jay Rock
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