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Fiscal Printer RCH re-register transaction

Go to solution Solved by Mag,

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We are working with the beta Fiscal Printer module which allows us to use Loyverse to handle the fiscal registration together with the RCH Print F! printer.

When the printer is not in (REG) mode but for example in (Z) or the previous day has not been closed,  the fiscal registration of the transaction fails when confirming a sale on the Loyverse device. Is there a way to push the fiscal registration again from Loyverse without having to re-enter the whole transaction which would lead to double registration?



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When you close the shift, there is a switch “Print Z-report on the fiscal registrar”. Have you enabled this switch?

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Hi Mag,

Thank you!

So far I have always performed the Z-Report manually from the Print F device and not through Loyverse.
This is a nice feature, I was not aware of it. So if I get you right, your point is that if the Z-Report is done through the Loyverse interface the Printer is always in the (REG) mode.

Still if someone starts working in the morning and the last shift has not been closed, the printer would reject the registration but Loyverse would still pass it. Could such a registration be pushed again to be registered on the fiscal memory of the printer?

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We recommend running Z report in Loyverse, I mean close the shift with the "Print Z report" option enabled. Then the printer will switch correctly between modes: sales / reports. Loyverse App should not allow to close sales without printing it on the fiscal printer, if the receipt contains items with fiscal tax. Does Loyverse App work differently now?

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Running the Z report through Loyverse solves the issue in most cases as the switching between modes is automated and reduces user-errors.

If I process a sale on the iPad and select cash payment while not being connected to the Fiscal Printer I receive the error message. If I dismiss the error message I do not have the registration on the printer but listed on the recepits within Loyverse.

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Hi Valentino. Loyverse Team will look into it more precisely. But for now we can recommend the following:
1. Print reports only through Loyverse, then the mode automatically switches to the one you need.
2. If shift reports are performed manually on the Fiscal Printer, then obligatorily need to return to the Sale mode (1 + CHIAVE)

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