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Deduct deposit

Go to solution Solved by Mia,

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Hi everybody,


i have a question about a specific transaction that we have a lot in our bar.

For example, group of 4, the first one leaves and want to gives a 'deposit' of 10 euro for the total bill.

How can I deduct this 10euro of the total bill? 

If I chose split bill it will split / divide by x amount of people but I can't chose to deduct a fix amount.


Thank you for the help

Kind regards


  • 3 weeks later...

- I have a table with 5 customers
- 1 customer wishes to leave before the others
- He decides to pay 30 € on the total of the bill
- Others not wishing to pay for the moment (they stay and still want to consume)
- So I can't choose to split the bill without everyone paying
- I also cannot use split ticket because the € 30 does not correspond precisely to the items that the customer has consumed

Is there another possibility to deduct these 30 € from the ticket without going through a discount so as not to distort the actual amount of the ticket?

Sorry for my English, I am French, I used google translation

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