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Xprinter Q200 bluetooth USB iOS iPad

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I am using an xprinter Q200 printer via Bluetooth together with a Lenovo Android tablet. its working good but the tablet is old and slow.

I want to use an iPad air 2. i know this printer is not working over bluetooth with iPad because i tried it about 2 years ago.

but has anyone got it to work over USB with this printer and iPad?

Loyverse says the ESC/POS printer should work with iOS and Loyverse.

has anyone been successful with this?

Thank you

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  • 2 months later...
  • Solution

Unfortunately, this printer will not work with iOS.

For Bluetooth and USB interfaces, only models from recommended printers list with work with Loyverse POS on iOS.

For iOS devices, it is possible to try as other models only Ethernet printers, which fulfill requirements of supporting ESC/POS protocol.

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Thank you for your info, 

So if I understand you correctly, this printer will not work under any circumstances  with iOS?

or are you saying that it might or might not work over Ethernet?

is there some development that can be done by Loyverse to make this printer work over Bluetooth with an iOS device in future? 

Thank you!

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Only MFi certified devices are possible to connect with iOS devices via Bluetooth and USB interfaces.

Apple’s MFi Program (“Made for iPhone/iPod/iPad”) is a licensing program for developers of hardware and software peripherals that work with Apple’s iPod, iPad, iPad mini, and iPhone.

But even for MFi certified receipt printers, our Loyverse development team needs to have them and to integrate their work with Loyverse.  

It looks like the model Q200 USB does not complete with such requirements, so it cannot work with Loyverse.

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