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Can the total of the receipt be shown in two different currencies?

Go to solution Solved by Mia,

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I wish that the total of my receipts can be shown in two currencies: American Dollar and  Mexican Peso.
Is this possible?

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Hi Nicole, 

No, it is not possible to show the total in two different currencies.

All the amounts and prices on the receipt are not specified by any currency, just by a number. However, for paper receipts, you can change the settings to add text (your desired currency) at the end of the receipt. But you can only use one currency. 

You can find in this link a tutorial on how to set the currency: https://help.loyverse.com/help/how-set-currency

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  • 2 years later...

Hi Mia,

We want to be able to add several currencies on our receipt.

We must manually calculate this because our country uses two different currencies.

This is a problem because we frequently make mistakes when doing so.

I'm hoping we'll have this shortly.

Thank you in advance

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  • 2 months later...


I also need this option for my business.

I love loyvers but this is the thing that is making me think of chaging.


Please add this to the system.




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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Dear Loyverse Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to express my concern regarding the current process of adding multiple currencies on our receipts. Due to the fact that our country uses two different currencies, we are required to manually calculate the exchange rate and this has led to frequent errors.

I believe that implementing a solution that automatically calculates and adds multiple currencies on our receipts will not only improve the accuracy of our financial records, but also save valuable time and resources for our business.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could look into this matter and explore possible solutions. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

Best Regards,


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  • 3 weeks later...


I also would love to see a feature added where we can accept multiple currencies in Loyverse, this would make my life so much easier! A section that would allow us to input our local exchange rates and have the ability to select that currency as an option at check out. I hope that this gets heard.

Thank you for a wonderful program and look forward to continue working with you.

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Your feedback will be added to our list of feature requests and will forward this to our development team for review. However, we cannot tell when this will be available, but if we have any changes in our plans, we'll make sure to let you know.

For more feedback to share, please access the live chat option in the BackOffice and click on the Suggest something button.

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Hi, this would also be an amazing feature that would make day to day operations so much better! I really hope this is something that can be added soon 🤞

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  • 2 months later...

Please, this feature is needed for thousands on businesses!
At least let is be just in the receipt as a start.

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  • 2 months later...

I am writing this message with a sense of urgency and frustration regarding the status of our request for the multiple currency feature. It has come to my attention that despite numerous inquiries on various forums, we have only received generic responses expressing gratitude for our feedback. This issue has remained unresolved since 2019, and it is disheartening to see other point-of-sale systems offering this functionality as a standard feature while Loyverse seems to be falling behind.

As a loyal user of Loyverse, I believe it is crucial for us to have the ability to handle multiple currencies to better serve our diverse customer base. I kindly request you to provide us with an update on the progress of this feature implementation. It is essential for us to understand what steps we can take to expedite the process and ensure our business needs are met.

While I appreciate the efforts made towards integrating new features, such as the recent congratulatory announcements, I must emphasize that these integrations alone do not address our immediate concerns as business owners. We need to see substantial updates and improvements to Loyverse's core system.

Therefore, I kindly ask you to keep us informed about the roadmap for new feature additions and the anticipated timeline for their implementation. It appears that Loyverse's focus has primarily been on integrations, rather than updating and enhancing the core system.

Please treat this matter with the utmost urgency and importance. We believe that addressing our request for the multiple currency feature will significantly improve our experience with Loyverse and allow us to better serve our customers.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to a prompt response.


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  • 4 months later...

Hi Loyverse team,

Do you have any update for this nedded request?

This would help everyone that uses multiple currency and will help the team not do do mistake with converting each currency.


Hope to hear from the team.


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  • 1 month later...

Hello, the same issue remains unsolved, we need an urgent solution since our customers keep asking to show at least the net total of the invoice in another currency.

To be noted that you can only allow us to add a field at the end of invoiceas follow:

Field name : add secondary display currency

Conversion rate : *1,000 (for example)

Please we need a solution even if it is just for display info.
Thank you 

Check example attached below



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Loyver POS Team,

I love using Loyver POS! Can we please have multi-currency support? It would make transactions with diverse clients much smoother. Looking forward to this fantastic addition.

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Hola Equipo de Loyver POS,

Me encanta usar Loyver POS. ¿Sería posible agregar el soporte para múltiples monedas? Esto facilitaría mucho las transacciones con clientes de diferentes lugares. Estoy emocionado por esta posible mejora.

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Hi Loyver POS Team,

Hope you're well. Urgently need multi-currency support in Loyver POS. Dealing with international clients, and this add-on is crucial for smoother transactions.

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  • 2 months later...

Loyverse team,

Can you help us all with the add of the multiple currencies option please.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Loyverse team,


This is a much needed feature.  I am using an old type non touch screen cashier machine which has up to 4 additional currencies option.  We are planning to switch to a modern touch screen POS that shows product images on the screen.  We are trying Loyverse on a iPad now and multiple currencies option would be an excellent feature that help us tremendously.

I think the exchange rates do not required to be constantly updated.  For my old machine which does not has any internet connectivity, we input the exchange rates into the system setting manually.  I think it is a much easier and simpler way for your team to add the multiple currencies option to Loyverse.  No 3rd party data provider and their API are needed as we can manually input ourselves.

It does not have to exchange each individual item to another currency.  Just the conversion on the total amount and change is needed.  No need to make conversion on each transaction.  I just need buttons on preset currencies on check out page just like the attached images.  Make the conversion on that currency after hitting the button.





Edited by allenlee
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  • 3 months later...


I might also be in need of the possibilities to have multi currencies but only for the total of the Receipt.
As i live in Laos and we use THB, LAK, USD and EUROS...

I don't mind to change the rate for this conversion everyday or every couple of days in my Dashboard.

But it will be so helpful for us and my customers to have this functionality !
I am even ready to pay fees for this option.

Thanks in advance


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