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Item purchase history

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Good day to everyone.

i am using inflow inventory for the past years and now migrating to loyverse. Inflow has this feature that you can see the item purchase history, it shows purchase order number, purchase date, item cost and supplier name. This feature allows me to compare item costs of all suppliers that i made a purchase. You can also click that history and it will open the purchase order. 

My question is, is there the same feature in loyverse or is there a workaround for this? I can only see the cost average.

Thank you in advance


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Hi Zaldy, 

Loyverse has Inventory history feature which is part of Advanced Inventory. Inventory History allows users to view records of all the changes made in the inventory, including transfers, purchase orders, and adjustments.

 You can see the ‘Inventory history’ of all the items that underwent any changes. 

You can filter the history by period, stores, employees or by reason of stock changes, including sales and refunds.

There is a link to the document for adjustments made on the item in the ‘Reason’ column.



The Advanced inventory also gives you the possibility to see the stock history of items separately. Click on the ‘View history’ button in the items form.



You will see all changes in the stock of selected item.


If you click on the link, you will be directed to the receipt where this item was sold, or the purchase order from which it was received etc.




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Hi Nicole,

Thank you for your reply. I find it helpful for looking up stock adjustments and available stock. But still I cant find the purchase cost history. It seems that if I want to know the cost history, I have to open all purchase orders and write the cost one by one, which will take a long time. 

In your picture “item history”, is there a way to add a column “purchase cost” and “Supplier” so i can easily compare costs of suppliers that I made a purchase order.


Sample situation:

All of my suppliers sells screws of the same type. What I want to know is the price comparison between all the suppliers that i have made a purchase of that screw.

See sample picture for cost history in inflow. Sorry for the picture quality.


Thank you in advance.



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