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Can I charge my android tablet and use my USB barcode scanner?

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I have connected my android tablet to a barcode scanner with OTG cable. Works fine and happy with it :-).... But how can I charge my tablet while using the barcode scanner? I've tried several adapters but nothing works.

Please help. I have already bought 24 android tablets and 24 scanners but I didn't foresee this problem would occur.




I don't have experience of using charging adapters, but I guess some OTG multi-hub adapters can charge the device.



use 4 Port Micro USB Power Charging OTG Hub Cable For Android Tablet Smartphone


@All; thnks for the answers but I've tried several adapterd, including the recommended ones, but they don't work. The micro usb is used for charging the usb device and not the Android device.

I guess I have to swith to Bluetooth scanners; What can you recommend ?



  • 2 years later...


Have you found solution for this? If not, is simultaneous connection to Bluetooth barcode scanner and Bluetooth printer works?



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