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Loyverse - is a Fortune for My Cafe

Rodrigo Díaz


It was started from my parents who, nearing retirement had money savings they could invest. They desired a business that could be their bustle after retirement and were thinking of small restaurant in a countryside. This idea manifested into the Ozhi Cafe, located in Mojosari, a small Regency in East Java, Indonesia.

Could you describe to us a bit about your local community?

Mojosari is a one of Indonesia’s smaller Regencies with a community of growing small-merchant, factory, farmers, and schools. It is cool-climate and the community is very gracious.

How did you find Loyverse POS and why would you recommend Loyverse POS to other retailers like you?

I constantly take down transactional records manually and it is a draining job to do. One day I googled a POS system for cafe that could facilitate me in taking down the records, Loyverse POS has very positive reviews, so I went ahead with it. As a very easy to use, powerful and intuitive system with excellent support that can facilitate users proficiently, I’d say it is very impressive and very useful.|

What is the goal for your business and what are your plans to achieve this goal?

The goal of Ozhi Cafe is be a highly rated and appreciated business, offering good quality food at an affordable price.

Do you have any advice for retailers such as yourself? -E.g. Something that you wish you had known earlier.

I would highly recommend Loyverse POS to all retailers like me that are looking for a good quality POS system(Aplikasi Sistem Penjualan) that can help your business grow and develop. Loyverse POS has been essential for the growth of my business, allowing my focus to be be allocated to the development and not caught up in smaller details that are easily taken care of with this system.


  • Slightly Smiling 1


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