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I have a Korean restaurant business in northern Thailand...

I have a Korean restaurant business in northern Thailand. My parents started a korean restaurant named “Sura Korean Fusion, in Chiang rai, Thailand four years ago, and I joined them just this past year. As soon as I came here, I opened my parents’ first branch, MFU sura, in front of the university, “Mae Fah Luang”.


Could you describe a bit about your local community?

Thailand is famous for tourism. Chiang rai is a popular city, especially in the winter season. Chiang rai is small city, but it is growing really fast because of a big project in Eastern Asia, known as the EU project. This city is the main city for this project because it is located in the very northern part of Thailand and it borders with Myanmar and Laos.

How did you find Loyverse POS and why would you recommend Loyverse POS to other retailers like you?

While I was searching the free POS application for restautants, I found the brand, Loyverse free POS, and I decided to try to use it. It was already very good from the start, but I wanted to learn more functions and requested in the chat. They responded very quickly within a min, so I continued to use this brand. No other brands would compare with Loyverse Free POS, for their excellent customer service.

What is the goal for your business and what are your plans to achieve this goal?

My goal is making my restaurant into a franchise. For this goal, I am trying to make connections among university alumni.


Do you have any advice for retailers such as yourself? -E.g. Something that you wish you had known earlier.

Some people start a large business, while others start out small. I think the size of the business is not the issue. The issue is how to bring the business to success. Even though a small business stands on its own, it has all of the basic skills to develop further in the future. All of the skill sets can be learned by small business owners.


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