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A Smooth and Convenient User Interface for Food Stall in Nigeria

We run a food stall selling a spicy skewered beef delicacy called Suya. Suya is a hugely popular Nigerian street food and it is also widely eaten in several other West African countries like Ghana and Republic of Niger. We observed that the majority of people shy away from buying Suya for reasons mainly related to hygiene.

The majority of Suya vendors are located in dirty environments and are prepared under unhygienic conditions. This has been the norm for several years. We thought that if we could develop a street food brand with the gospel of hygiene at its very core, we could capture a huge chunk of the market and possibly lure people away from the street vendors. We opened the business two months ago and so far things look very promising.

Could you describe briefly about your local community?

We are located in a popular area called Lekki Phase 1 within Lagos State; Nigeria’s economic capital. Our flagship stall on Admiralty way puts us right in the heart of Nigeria’s fast growing middle class population. We get people from all walks of life at the stall; from renowned artists that live in the neighbourhood to carnivores and night crawlers that are always on the prowl for that “next big thing”, to just regular folks who rely on recommendations from regulars.

How did you find Loyverse POS and why would you recommend Loyverse POS to other similar retailers?

We actually found Loyverse free food service POS through a web search. We had previously been looking around specifically for a POS solution that could efficiently keep a record of our sales and could also enable the business owners keep track of sales data in real time. When we came across Loyverse free POS, we signed up quickly without thinking too much about it. Loyverse has a very smooth and easily understood user interface. The application makes it very easy for us to print our email receipts to customers and also apply discounts with the touch of a button. A few of our friends in the local community have seen how the service works and are looking into signing up as well.

What is the goal for your business and what are your plans to achieve this goal?

Our goal is to be the Number one Suya vendor in the country. We plan to expand into several other locations within Nigeria over the next few years but our immediate goal is to open another store within Lagos before the end of the year. If the interest is keen enough, we won’t rule out international locations.


Do you have any advice for retailers such as yourself? -E.g. Something that you wish you had known earlier.

My advice is to put the customer at the forefront of every decision you are making. Customer service is key to any successful business. Each customer should be treated the same and given equal attention whether they buy something or not. Treat your customers with respect, and always go the extra mile for them. Word of mouth is priceless–your best advertising can come from a happy customer.


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