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Terminal Juarez, where several cultures meet, uses Loyverse POS to administer their sales efficiently!

Terminal Juarez is a culinary market with food options from many parts of the world, high mixology, and jazz and stand-up comedy forum. The founder of Terminal Juarez, Mr. Carlos León, has been using Loyverse for more than a year and shares his experience in the following interview. 

Can you briefly describe your business?

I have a bar. The place where the bar is located is like a food market. There are 8 different food options the customers can choose from. We have Argentinian food, Indian and Bangladeshi food, some dishes from Venezuela, hamburgers, one option for healthy food, and one bakery. We run a little bar with a little stage, and we give shows of jazz music and stand-up comedy. My business is the bar and I rent the space to these food-related businesses and we share the same space for the customers. 

When did you start your business? 

We started in 2019. Before that, I had another restaurant that I opened in 2010. 

Why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?

I cannot say for sure. When I was studying college for business administration, I used to work in Starbucks. I think from that experience I started to like the service and food industry. 


What is one characteristic that you would say is crucial to being successful as an entrepreneur?

You must work hard. The food industry, where I am, is very hard. You need to be really passionate about what you are doing and handle the competition and don’t give up. When you have passion for something, you need to have the courage to study, learn all the small details about the topic, and work hard. There is no magic formula in this business except working every day, being good to people and focusing on training and developing your employees.

How do you advertise your business?

We are focused mainly on Instagram and Facebook. 

What is unique about your business that makes it stand out from other competitors?

I would emphasize the jazz music in the bar. We look for new and talented jazz musicians. As I mentioned before, I rent the places to the businesses that offer different types of food, but I am also a coach. I get involved with the way they prepare the food. This is the first business for these people. I think this is what makes Terminal Juarez special: the fact that there are a lot of new business owners who are really passionate and are doing really well. 


How did your business handle the pandemic year?

Some of the participants left during this pandemic year. We used to have 13 different concepts of food, and now we are only 8. I had to sell the empty spaces, and my business shrunk during the last year. 

How did you first learn about Loyverse?

I found Loyverse searching online. Before, I used another old point of sale system that was especially for bar and restaurant businesses. But, it looked like this system was stuck in the past and there were many server errors. I got tired of it and started searching for a new system. This is when I found Loyverse and I am very happy with it. I have been using Loyverse since last year. 

What feature of Loyverse has been most useful for your business?

I like that Loyverse is a cloud-based system, so any change you make in your phone or tablet is synchronized with the Back office instantly. This change for me, in comparison to the old system, is very helpful. I find Advanced Inventory very useful. I use Employee Management as well, which makes it easy for me to track the activity of my employees and restrict their access rights. 


What is something you would like to see in Loyverse in the future?

I would like to be able to create invoices via the app. At the moment, I am using another separate system specifically for creating invoices. When I close the shift, I have to create a receipt for the people who didn’t ask for a receipt so that the government can track my activity. I have to pull out the information of sales from Loyverse and use this information to create the invoice in the other system. If I could make these bills in Loyverse, it would be very very useful. 

What message would you like to give to the Loyverse Team?

Keep up the good work. I accepted this interview because I really like how the program works and the help tutorials and videos on YouTube that explain the features make everything very easy. Keep doing what you have started and fulfill the needs of different businesses. Because I think Loyverse is not specialized for a specific industry, it can be used in different types of businesses. Loyverse has worked really well for my bar. I hope you keep developing more and more. 


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