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Delivery Prices / Pick-up prices / different prices

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Hello everyone, I have a pizzeria.

I have already entered the prices.

But now I would like to offer pick-up prices 2 euro cheaper per pizza, so that the customers come to pick it up themselves (less delivery effort)

How can I do this? I found a discount, but I can't set it so that it's 2 euros cheaper per pizza.

Thank you for your help.

On 7/30/2024 at 11:37 AM, Piro said:

But now I would like to offer pick-up prices 2 euro cheaper per pizza, so that the customers come to pick it up themselves (less delivery effort)

How can I do this? I found a discount, but I can't set it so that it's 2 euros cheaper per pizza.

If for example multiple pizzas are added to an order and you would like to add a 2-euro discount to each of the pizzas, you can apply a negative amount modifier as the "discount".
To create such a modifier, while creating the modifier, in the PRICE field, please write -2 (minus 2) as shown on the screenshot below:
After creating a modifier in the back office settings, please apply it in the pizzas settings:

Then, after adding pizzas to an order, choose this modifier to apply a 2 Euro discount to a pizza:


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