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I need NEGATIVe discount 110%

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Our customers are our members - our club members.

For being members - they get discount on their sales, or actually… non-members pay 10% MORE than members.

instead of having everything in items 10% more.

We just need to be able to make a discount that adds 10% to final cost.

or like how a restaurant may add “Service Charge” of 10%. But we would need to call it non-member cost.


how can we do it??


thank you.


Could you give an example, please?
Do you mean, if the total of the receipt is 100 USD for non-members, then, the members should pay only 10 USD or they do not pay anything for you but you pay them 10 USD instead?


Hi Georg,

Say the true value of an item is £4. 
The non-members pay 10% more.

So if the bill comes to £100.

A non-member would have a 10% non-member fee added to their bill.



The easiest way is to use a 10 % discount, but if you would not like to use a discount for members, you can create a tax of 10% and call it a "non-member fee" and apply it to all items. When the member is purchasing something, you will need to remove this "non-member fee" tax from the ticket:
To remove a "non-member fee" tax from the ticket, please click on the field TAX in the ticket and press on a DELETE symbol for this tax:

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