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Sale or product?

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Last week we organized an event at school. At the entrance, we had a Chromebook with the Loyverse POS app to allow people to pay the entrance ticket using a Sumup Air device. At the bar, we used an ipad with the POS app, also with a Sumup Air. I created 2 stores in our Loyverse backend - one for the entrance, and one for the bar. Everything went perfect.

But when we now look at the Sumup receipts, we notice that all transactions from the entrance have description "Product" and get a 1.69% tarrif for Sumup. Sales from the bar have description "Sale" and they get a tarrif of 2.75%.

I checked everywhere in the settings in the backend, but can't find anything different betweet the two stores and articles in both stores? The only difference I can think of is that the entrance used a Chromebook (which needs the sumup app) while the bar used the ipad (which does not need the sumup app).

Any ideas about this?



We recommend checking the Sumup Dashboard or contacting their support team about the observed difference.

This could likely come from their different fees for different transaction channels:

The Loyverse POS app for Android and the Loyverse POS app for iOS use different methods of communicating with the card terminal.


On the page you link to, I read:

"A standard fee of 1.69% per transaction applies for all our card readers."


"Our card transaction fees are always a flat rate and cover interchange fees and all other additional costs so you'll only ever be charged the rates listed above.".

So I understand that it should always be the same rate, whatever way we use to use the terminals?

The difference between "Sale" and "Product", is that something that is related to the Android or iOS version?




For more details regarding the fees you were charged, we recommend contacting Sumup customer support.

If you have more questions specifically about Loyverse POS, please feel free to let us know.

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