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Impossible to connect Zettle / Android


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Hi all,

Perhaps someone has an solution to the following problem,

We have 2 Lenovo Android Tabs, neither one of them can complete the connection.. the following happens..

When pressing the payment type zettle to setup it redirects to the zettle page... login with the credentials, returns to POS and nothing has changed..

Second way.. make a sale, press zettle now a zettle dialaog opens to connect, it goes to the zettle wepbage as above and returns to POS and the same dialog to login is there...


Android 12 with latest version of Loyverse 2.33.x

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Could you please describe your problem in more details? Do you see any error messages after you login with your credentials?

Have you tried using another Android device?

Please also make sure that you have location services enabled on your device when connecting and using Zettle.

We will be waiting for your feedback.

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No errors appear, when tapping the zettle in the setting-> payments -> zettle (4th image of manual) it goes directly to the zettle page, login is ok and returns back to the pos.. But there nothing changes... Tried at 2 tablets.. 

On ios iPad, it gives the 5th image of the manual  "LPOSDev" wants to use "izettle.com" to signin popup.

On android this popu does not appear.. 
Manual as refered https://help.loyverse.com/help/credit-cards-izettle

Location services are enabled.. 
Also the zettle account page, shows that loyversePOS is connected

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Thank you for your detailed description.

Have you tried contacting Zettle support as well?

We recommend you also get in touch with their support team in case there are any issues on their side.

Please try and let us know the results, our team will also continue investigating from our side.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I have the same issue and obvious;y many other do too. I contacted paypal and everything is okay on their end...I need zettle working...sumup is too slow for the drive thru 

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Please make sure that you have location services enabled on your device when connecting and using Zettle.

Then check if your location matches the location indicated in your Zettle account.

We will be waiting for your reply.

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