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Stock pizza dough

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I have a problem with stock.
I make pizza, and I would like to put 120 pizzas dough in stock.

I don't want, for example, 20 Margarita, 20 Buffala, 20 ham or 20 pepperoni... only 120 pizzas dough.
I don't know before service how many of each pizza I'm going to make.
Thank you



You can use composite item feature to make every pizza. 

First you have to create all your components as ordinary items with track stock enabled (pizza dough, ham, cheese etc). This way, pizza dough and every other component will have their own stocks where you can input your 120 pizza dough. 


Then create "pepperoni pizza" as composite item and add components that you use to make it with their corresponding quantities.


When selling, stock of every component of pizza will decrease so you don't need to guess how many of every type you'll need. 

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