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Composite item with variants

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I need to enter variants for composite item. However, when I activate the  composite toggle and add components the variants option is not showing and I can’t add variant options 🙁


Hello Atik!

Unfortunately, it is not possible to add variant option for a composite item, however, as a workaround, you can use a modifier or set up all variant items as a composite item.


Thank you for the information, Hanna!

However, I need to track the stocks of the items, I have tried using modifiers but there’s no option for me to track the item’s stocks. The composite item seems interesting, can you tell me how can I do it?


Sure thing!

If you will set up your variant items as a composite, i just want to give you a heads up about the nesting level limitation of every composite item. 

The maximum nesting level for composite items is 3. If an item already has a third nesting level, it is not displayed in the drop-down list when searching for components.If you cannot find some items when trying to add it as a component, please check the levels of composite items.

Check more explanations about such situations here:  https://loyverse.town/topic/3367-how-many-levels-is-possible-to-make-while-creating-a-composite-item-consisting-of-other-composite-items/

However to set up the variants, please check out this example I made.

Item sample: 

Ice cream with multiple flavors

First, you need to create theindividual components and the main composite  item that will be added as a component later and create its own category to sort out the items. 

With this example, I created my items with the main ingredients first.For the main ingredients, you can either make them available for sale for not make them available for sale in your POS app.


After creating all main ingredients of the ice cream, don’t forget to activate the track stocks of the individual items and afterwards, you can merge the items to be a composite item. You need to add the quantity of the items converted into decimal points at the end of this, you will see the combined cost below.


And then, after creating the main item, let proceed to different flavors.

With this, you also need to add the individual items for the flavors. For example: strawberry, mango, chocolate, etc and don’t forget to activate the ‘track stock’ if needed.



After adding the flavor and the ice cream item, you now have a chocolate flavor of ice cream. Afterwards, you can use the same method to add different flavors.



After creating all the ice cream flavors, you can sort the iteams in your POS app by customizing them in a table/iPad screens, you can also rename the title bar as ‘ice cream’. In my case, I created 20 flavors without reaching the nesting level. So each time I sold any ice cream the stocks will be deducted to the flavors and main stocks that was added in the components of each flavor



Here’s more articles that you might be interested in:

How to Arrange Sale Screen in Loyverse POS

How to Create a Composite Item


Please let me know this information will be helpful to your busines. Looking forward to your feedback soon



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