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How to change my first weekday in Loyverse Back Office?

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How can I change the starting day of the calendar in my Loyverse Back Office?
I would like to change the calendar to start with Saturday and not Sunday.

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You can change the first weekday of the calendar in Loyverse (Reports in Back Office) by changing the language in your browser. The calendar is automatically set up by the display language that you are using for the browser, no matter the Time zone and the language you have in the Loyverse account.


Unfortunately, I could not find the language that set the first day of the weed as Saturday but I will leave the list of some languages that may help other users.

To do so go to the language settings menu of the browser and add a new language and set it as “Display language” of the browser and then “Relaunch”.

Starting weekday:
Monday: English (Ireland or United Kingdom), Arabic, Spanish (Spain), Vietnamese.
Sunday: English (United States or India), Spanish (Latin America), Korean, Japanese.

Edited by Yamil
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  • 1 year later...

This definitely doesn't work on Mac. Tried several browsers. System set to UK English, first day of week in Mac settings set to Monday. Don't see the issue with other apps, calendars etc.

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