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Wrong email to invite to the back office

Go to solution Solved by Akio,

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Hello, I want to ask what happens if I sent an invitation to the back office with a wrong email address?
I instantly changed the email address to the correct one, but I think that still the invitation was sent to the wrong email address.
Would the person who receive the invitation can join to my back office by that invitation?

  • Solution

Hello 658
Yes, once the invitation is sent, the action is not reversible and the person is able to create the account. However, the crucial point is that if you already made the account with the correct email address.
If so, there is no problem with the access from the person who you sent the wrong email address, because the system has only one place to register an email account for each employee profile.

If the wrong person makes the account before your employee does, when the employee tries to make an account he will see the message of “An account with this email address already exists”, it means that the person with the wrong email address made the account first. This is possible even if you have fixed the wrong email to the correct one in the Back office.
And the email is not changeable anymore because it is only possible from that created account.
In such case, you have to delete that profile from the Back Office and recreate it.
(This would be a rare case, in which the wrong person notice the invitation and create an account before your employee does, without knowing about Loyverse).


You can also check from Back Office the email and the time that the account was created.


The invitation mail/link is always accepting until someone creates an account with that invitation and the employee’s
profile exists in the Back Office. Status will show as the image below:


  • Thanks 1

Thank you! 

We could create the account with the correct email address!

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