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Why does my employee can’t see the cost of the item?

Go to solution Solved by Yamil,

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I have separated some job roles in my business and I disabled all employees to edit items; however, I want my manager to see only the cost of items, but this access right is not working.

I set up for both ac cess of view cost of items but still can’t see from his employee account the item menu to see cost.



  • Solution


I see that you don’t have given the option of “Manage items and inventory” in the Back office section and I suppose that you haven’t also given the “Manage items” access right in the POS section. There is no access right that can limit an employee to just seeing the cost of items and deactivating the option to edit items in the actual Loyverse.

However, it is possible to give access to edit items but not to see and edit cost of items; in order to do this, you can turn off the option of “View cost of items” in both sections and leave the “Manage items and inventory/Manage items” access right on in the section which you want the employee can access to edit (POS or Back Office).

So if you want to give your employee access to see the costs, that employee should be able to edit also the items. Then this cost is shown in the edit menu of each item.

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