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Can I order items by boxes, and then sell them by the piece?

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The items I order usually come by boxes and I wanted to have a more efficient way of ordering them and sorting them out for the stock count. Is there a way to order by box and sell by piece?



Yes, there is a way to do this. However, you need the advance inventory subscription for this and have the “Use production” option turned on. After doing that, then you can order boxes and sell them piece by piece. 

In order to do it, you  can create two sets of items: one for selling the item by piece and another to order by boxes. First, you create the item you will sell by piece. Then, create a composite item for box orders that is made up of the individual item. Here you can specify how many items come in the box. If you are not going to sell by boxes, you can make it invisible for sale. After that, when you receive the box, you can disassemble the boxed items into pieces. This can be done in the production section of the inventory management.

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