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Only Shows 20 Items in New Tab


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I've searched the forums, but didn't find an answer to my situation.

I have created a new Custom Page (Tab) in the Sales Screen. I can only get this new Page to display 20 items (I want to be able to put more than 20 Items on this Page). When I click on the "All Items" category, I can scroll up/down since there are 75 items. But I can't figure out why I can't scroll up/down within this new Custom Page or add more than 20 items.

Can someone help??




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Hello Shawn

The Custom Pages are only available to add up to 20 items in each and up to 6 pages with this feature. However, it is possible to organize these pages adding by category instead of items, so you can scroll that page even if there are more than 20 item in that category. But in this case you can not change the order of items as in the Custom Page. (Items are organized alphabetically)
Or you can use 4 Custom Pages to organize your 75 items in case that you will not add more items in the future.

I hope it helps you.

Custom Page with Category.gif

Edited by Akio
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