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How to accurately track sales and profits during price changes.

Go to solution Solved by Georg,

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We are still in the process of testing out loyverse for our store. 

I have a somewhat generic question that will apply to all POS systems but Loyverse might have a workaround to this.

How can we accurately track sales and profits when, for example, I still have 5 pcs left on an item with an old cost and price then I have a new stock with new cost amount and selling price?

Thank you in advance for your ideas and suggestions. 



  • Solution


The cost of the item will be updated when you will receive a new stock of this item from a supplier.
The value of the item's average cost after receiving new items (NewCost) will be calculated by this formula:


StockBefore - stock before receiving new items
StockAdded - quantity of received new items
CostBefore - cost before receiving new items
CostOfAdded - cost of received new items

This value of the cost will be used in all the reports and calculations of all other values.

But, it is not possible to track old stock/old price/old cost and the new stock/new price/new cost separately.


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