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Reports by shift ? one click easy ? why not ??


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Hello !

I guess for market who use one shift per day, opening it and closing it on the same day, the "Z ticket" available in loyverse back office "Sales recap" / "Shifts" are easy to fit with the "Sales report" ; that's an evidence that we wanna have the detail of what has been sold during the corresponding shift.

But we have some difficulties : here are 3 of our recent shifts :

- 24 sept 12h58 to 26 sept 19h43 (shift time, on "Z ticket" on back office "Sales recap" / "Shifts")

- 26 sept 20h 53 to 02 oct 20h23 (shift time, on "Z ticket" on back office "Sales recap" / "Shifts")

- 02 oct 21h51 to 04 oct 19h58 (shift time, on "Z ticket" on back office "Sales recap" / "Shifts")


- 24 sept 12h58 to 26 sept 19h43 : this displays the sales from 24 to 26 sept, between 12h58 to 19h43 each day ; that's absolutely not the same than the shift period that goes from 24 sept 12h58 to 26 sept 19h43

and that's the same for each of this shifts ! impossible to get the sales report about the shift period easily ... it's really a problem for me !

it's a problem about the period selection, for all reports (by article, by category, by way of payment ... all ! ) ; an option in the period selection menu to choose a "Z Shift Period" would be marvelous !! No ??

Am I stupid ? in there an easy solution ?

Am I the only one who just can't understand that the option to display easily the "Z Shift Ticket" and the corresponding "sale report", for the same time period, is not a "one click easy" available option ?

Thank your for your answers 😉

The Dude



Edited by empireskatebuilding
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or having a shift report Z with detailed sales ?

please 😉

so evident actually 🤷‍♂️

because yes, the different POS app I am now testing all offer a Z ticket with detailed sales

Loyverse is great, but for me the shift report Z is the big bug of it ; shift report Z should include the detailed sales report (maybe as an option, only for admin and autorised seller) 

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