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Sales report showing item breakdown

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Hey team


Is there a way for when you are printing the shift report from the POS terminal, to get an item breakdown? I need to know how many of what was sold during a shift once a cashier logs in. 

Thank you very much and have a great day. 




At the moment, it is not possible to get the item breakdown when printing the shift report from the POS terminal. However, I would be happy to send it as a suggestion to the development team. We value our customer's suggestions but cannot guarantee that each of them will be implemented or implemented fully. 


To get the item breakdown from one particular shift, you can open back office -> "sales by item" report, choose the day and custom period (you can choose time the shift was opened and closed), then filter it by employee. 


After that, you can export the report from your back office, save it on your PC and print. 


thank you for the workaround. however, the request is a common feature in desktop-based pos software solutions. 


I hope that they implement this sooner than later

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