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Can You Change 'Charge' Labels to 'Cash'?

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The 'Charge' label is confusing because it means 'Cash'.  it would be helpful to have the 'Charge' label say 'Cash'.  We have hit that key too many times thinking Charge meant credit card. 



We have done exactly the same, we had to manually go through month end and remove duplicate receipts where charge was pressed by mistake as the float was way out..

Adding a button text label in the settings would be great and flexible?

  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

Anything further on this? Is there not a feature request process or something? @Yasuaki?

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  • 1 year later...


In the POS, Charge button before payment method selection is ok but during payment selection, suggest to change the charge button to "Cash" as suggested above also would be great to move the button in a single column like the rest of the payment options. 

  • 6 months later...

Just to update, probably its overlooked by dev. The label Cash is correct in mobile phone app but in tablet version (android) its labelled as Charge, please update it. 

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