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Can two separate items with the same name share stock?

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Hallo, Team Loyverse

Mohon dibantu apakah bisa dibuatkan fitur mengelola Stock secara otomatis pada nama barang yang sama meskipun barang tersebut di Category yang berbeda.

Akan sangat membantu kami para pelaku usaha kuliner mengingat Stock menu bukan hanya di satu Category makan di tempat saja melainkan ada juga dengan aplikasi pihak ke tiga (gojek/grab) yang harus dibuatkan Category berbeda dan dalamnya menu sama.

Kenapa tidak bisa digabungkan, karena harga di setiap Category berbeda beda setiap menunya.

Mohon sekiranya agar bisa membantu, terimakasih banyak.



I understand that you needed to create several separate items with the same name to be able to assign them to a different categories.

Unfortunately, in case if you have separate items with the same name, their SKU will be different as well as they will have separate stock amount. At the moment it is not possible to combine them. 

However, as we are constantly working on improving our product, I will be more than happy to send it as a feature suggestion to the development team. Please, note, that suggestions may not be always implemented fully. 

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