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HTML Print Page Not Working

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I create my price labels and have a screen of labels to print, but when I send it to the printer with the correct label size selected they are not fitting the labels. It appears as if the printer does not recognise the individual labels and just tried to print the html page in lots of small pieces and not as individual labels as it show on screen. How to you get these to print correctly?




At the moment you click on "create labels" button, the generated HTML page with labels will open in a new tab of the browser. To print the labels, you can use any kind of printer connected to the device, from which you access the back office, just by clicking on the ‘Print’ button. If you cannot print them correctly, there might be a problem between the printer and the device you access back office from. 


For more support, please, contact our support via live chat. 


I have worked out the issue. It does not work using Safari as a browser but it works fine using Chrome.




That's great to hear it works now. We recommend using Google Chrome to access back office. 


In case if any other questions arise, please, contact our support via live chat. 

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