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What else can I do to make sure the connection to the KDS is stable?

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Hi all,

At times, the order won't go through to the KDS. It then gives a connection error, stating it cannot make a connection with the KDS. Usually I try to renew the connection and sometimes the order will then appear on the KDS. It also helps to print the order again. However, it is quite annoying, as it happens multiple times during the day and it may take several minutes and tries before the order appears. 

I looked at the troubleshoot page, and have made sure to put the IP address to static on the KDS Ipad via the WiFi settings. All the devices (KDS, POS systems) are connected to the same WiFi network and this network is only used by the Loyverse devices. 

What am I missing here? What else can I do to make sure the connection to the KDS is stable?




Hello. You may try to change the WiFi router.

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